#3 New World (barfuß tanzen)
Recorded during the lock-downs on ipads in kitchens and bedrooms, this is our "that hippy generation didn't turn out so well" song.
Come my children let me take you to the new world, bap, ba, ba.
I'll take you to the place where you'll be heard.
Land of flowers and joy the pleasure of love will set you free.
Take my hand and we will travel to the new world, bap, ba, ba.
To the brave world bap, ba, ba.
The place where you'll be heard bap, ba, ba,
Bap, ba, ba.
Barfußtanzen, barfußtanzen x2 (barefoot dancing, barefoot dancing)
Barfuß im Gras in der Sonne tanzen x3 (Dancing barefoot in the grass, in the sun)
Come my son, it's hate week one, in the news world
The dingo buddies burn your soul to the ground
A cut down future, close that loser, you're worth nothing if you're free
Hand in hand, with a scorched earth plan, it's a crude world bap, ba, ba
The brave world bap, ba, ba.
The place where you'll be heard bap, ba, ba.
Bap, ba, ba.
Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh, ahhh. Deep, deep, deep. Deep, deep, deep.
Je suis venu par autostop
pas d'argent, mais trop de dope
j'aime funk et Iggy Pop
et F-G-OP. Whoo!

- Julia - Lead Vocals & Samples
- Sabine - Vocals & Accordion
- Norbert - Guitar
- Basti - Drums & Vocals
- Brod - Bass
Written by FGO.
Recorded on iPads in kitchens and bedrooms, partly mixed with Garageband
Thanks for cover art photo go to Vasilios Muselimis on Unsplash